Oysters and ecosystem: a harmony to preserve

oyas environnement

Ollas and Ecosystem: Harmony to Preserve

Ollas, these small terracotta jars buried in the ground and filled with water to naturally water plants, are becoming increasingly popular in the world of ecological gardening. But did you know that ollas are not only beneficial for plants, but also for the ecosystem as a whole?

Ollas: An Asset for the Ecosystem

Ollas work by imitating the natural process of rain slowly seeping into the soil to nourish plants deeply. In addition to saving water and reducing watering needs, ollas also promote the development of a balanced ecosystem in the garden.

Indeed, by allowing slow and regular irrigation of plants, ollas prevent water waste and the formation of puddles that can attract mosquitoes and other pests. Furthermore, the water stored in ollas creates a microclimate favorable to soil biodiversity, thus promoting the growth of beneficial microorganisms for plants.

Ollas also contribute to the preservation of local fauna by providing insects and small animals with accessible and secure water points. By promoting the diversity of species present in the garden, ollas contribute to the balance of the ecosystem and the fight against pests.

In summary, ollas are not only a practical tool for ecological gardening, but also a valuable ally in preserving biodiversity and ecosystem harmony.

How to Preserve this Harmony?

To preserve the harmony between ollas and the ecosystem, it is important to follow some good practices:

– Choose plants adapted to the climate and soil nature to limit watering needs and promote their natural development.
– Regularly maintain ollas by cleaning them and checking their proper functioning to avoid blockages and leaks.
– Avoid the use of chemicals and favor natural solutions to combat diseases and pests.
– Promote the diversity of plant and animal species in the garden to strengthen the balance of the ecosystem.

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By following these tips, you will contribute to preserving the harmony between ollas and the ecosystem, and to creating an environment conducive to the growth and flourishing of nature.


What are the benefits of ollas for the ecosystem?

Ollas allow slow and regular irrigation of plants, thus promoting soil biodiversity and the preservation of local fauna. They contribute to the balance of the ecosystem by avoiding water waste and limiting the use of chemicals.

How to maintain ollas to preserve harmony with the ecosystem?

It is important to regularly clean ollas, check their proper functioning, and avoid blockages and leaks. It is also recommended to use plants adapted to the climate and soil nature, limit the use of chemicals, and promote the diversity of plant and animal species in the garden.

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