Protecting our planet: The Mirova Europe Environment Fund

mirova europe environnement

Protecting our planet: The Mirova Europe Environment Fund

For several years, the issue of environmental protection has become a major concern for our society. Faced with the challenges of climate change, deforestation, and pollution, more and more investors are seeking to support sustainable and responsible initiatives. It is in this context that the Mirova Europe Environment Fund was created, with the objective of promoting investments in companies committed to preserving our planet.

A responsible investment fund

The Mirova Europe Environment Fund is managed by Mirova, an asset management company specializing in responsible investment. Its approach is based on integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into the selection of companies in which it invests. In concrete terms, this means that the fund favors companies that have a positive impact on the environment, such as promoting renewable energies, the circular economy, or biodiversity conservation.

By investing in the Mirova Europe Environment Fund, savers contribute to financing projects that contribute to ecological transition and the fight against climate change. They can thus reconcile financial profitability with a positive impact on the planet while supporting companies committed to a more sustainable future.

Strong financial performance

Some might fear that responsible investment is not as profitable as traditional investment. However, the performance of the Mirova Europe Environment Fund proves otherwise. Indeed, by prioritizing innovative and committed companies, the fund has been able to generate attractive returns for its investors while contributing to environmental preservation.

By choosing to invest their money in the Mirova Europe Environment Fund, savers can thus reconcile their financial objectives with their ethical values, contributing to the construction of a more sustainable and responsible economy.

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What are the selection criteria for companies in which the Mirova Europe Environment Fund invests?

The Mirova Europe Environment Fund favors companies that have a positive impact on the environment, such as promoting renewable energies, the circular economy, or biodiversity conservation. It also integrates social and governance criteria into its selection to ensure responsible and ethical practices within the companies in which it invests.

What are the financial performance of the Mirova Europe Environment Fund?

The Mirova Europe Environment Fund has been able to generate attractive returns for its investors while contributing to environmental preservation. By choosing to invest in this fund, savers can reconcile financial profitability with a positive impact on the planet.

How to invest in the Mirova Europe Environment Fund?

To invest in the Mirova Europe Environment Fund, it is recommended to seek advice from a financial advisor or a company specializing in responsible investment management. These professionals can guide you in choosing the most suitable investments for your financial and ethical objectives, while helping you contribute to the preservation of our planet.

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