Protecting the planet, a mission of the Écancourt Farm

ferme dʼ ecancourt - association dʼéducation à lʼenvironnement

Protecting the planet, a mission of the Ferme d’Écancourt

The Ferme d’Écancourt, located in the Île-de-France region, has been committed for many years to a mission of environmental protection. As an educational farm and a place for raising awareness about nature, it implements various actions aimed at reducing its impact on the planet and promoting sustainable practices.

Eco-friendly initiatives at the heart of the farm

The Ferme d’Écancourt has implemented numerous actions to reduce its ecological footprint. Among these, we can mention the establishment of organic agriculture, the use of permaculture techniques, the valorization of organic waste, and the promotion of biodiversity.

By adopting an environmentally respectful approach, the farm aims to set an example and encourage other actors in the agricultural world to follow this path. By raising awareness among the public about these issues, it contributes to collective awareness of the importance of preserving the planet for future generations.

Awareness and education actions

In addition to its sustainable agricultural practices, the Ferme d’Écancourt also offers awareness and environmental education activities. Guided tours, nature discovery workshops, and animations on the theme of organic agriculture are regularly organized to raise awareness among visitors of all ages about environmental issues.

By involving the general public in its actions, the Ferme d’Écancourt aims to raise awareness among as many people as possible about the protection of the planet. It encourages everyone to adopt simple daily gestures to preserve the environment and act in favor of a more sustainable world.

A commitment for the future

The Ferme d’Écancourt is committed to a more environmentally respectful future. By developing sustainable agricultural practices and raising public awareness about the importance of environmental preservation, it contributes to the construction of a greener and more equitable world for all.

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As responsible citizens, we all have a role to play in protecting the planet. By supporting initiatives like that of the Ferme d’Écancourt, we contribute to preserving our environment for future generations.


How does the Ferme d’Écancourt reduce its ecological footprint?

The Ferme d’Écancourt reduces its ecological footprint by adopting sustainable agricultural practices such as organic farming, permaculture, and the valorization of organic waste. It also encourages biodiversity on its site to preserve the local ecosystem.

What are the awareness objectives of the Ferme d’Écancourt?

The Ferme d’Écancourt aims to raise public awareness about the importance of environmental protection and to promote sustainable practices. It offers educational and awareness activities to inform the general public about environmental issues.

In conclusion, the Ferme d’Écancourt is an inspiring example of commitment to protecting the planet. By developing sustainable agricultural practices and raising public awareness about the importance of the environment, it contributes to building a greener and more equitable future for all.

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